Feng Yingjun 

Basic info

> Huli jing / fox demon

> Birthday: 12.8. 

> Age unknown

> He/him

> Pansexual

> Family and relationships unknown


> Immortality

> Transformation

   • Can take on different forms

   • Not counting the fox form, he can change his sex and age

> Illusions

   • Can create illusions as he pleases, without any restrictions 

> Glamour spell

   • Appears more attractive than a normal human being (regardless of the gender of his prey)

   • He is simply... irresistible

> Mist

   • Can became mist-like

   • Can disappear and reappear

> Stealing another's life force

   • The masculine yang energy

   • Can be accomplished in both fox and human form


> He has a François' langur friend that follows him around all the time.

> Feng (枫) means maple, yingjun (英俊) means handsome or talented

> He has a phobia of dogs and other big canines

> He hates vegetables and most fruits, but loves meat (especially poultry) 

> He actually can't digest most of human food

> His qiankun sleeves are real mess and full of oranges (the monkey loves them)

> He doesn't use the ability to steal life force to kill. He just likes to play around and every time makes sure to not hurt his subject seriously.


> xxxx-x

> A cunning trickster

> Mischievous, likes to play with humans

> Really, really curious

> Chill and fun-to-be-around guy, when he is not life force 'hunting'

> Nonchalant with jokes


Human form

> He is the most fond of the form of a young man (between the ages of 20 and 23)

> Elegant black robes

> High ponytail, silver chain earring on the left ear

> Light orange-yellowish eyes and a peculiar smile

> Slender figure and delicate features

> Very tall (around 180 cm)

> The fox ears and tail slip through sometimes

> Can take on the form of a young woman 

Fox form

> Red fox

> Fiery orange fur, agile body and long legs

> The same silver earring

> Nine tails in his demon form

> Voice (still in the searching process)

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