

Basic info

> A desert dragoness, but loves forests

> 16.11. 2004

> Female, she/her

> Heterosexual

> Human age: 20 y.o.


> Brothers Xerdes and Tharion

> Mother Adonis

> Father Orfeus

> Mate Taimö (the black dragon in the pictures)


> The Guild of Earth

> "Deputy leader" (meltyä)

> Therapist


> Fire breathing

> Spontaneous combustion

> Nature

  • She can control animals and plants
  • She can't get lost in any forest

> Ghost
  • She can hide her scent and become invisible for a short time

> Strength 40/100

> Speed 40/100

> Endurance 40/100

> Agility 40/100


> Her theme song

Ria's species of dragon originally comes from Erumëvasär, which is a vast desert in the south of Eriniämus (the land she lives in)

> The goddess Lumaris of her world caused her to change her appearance from the brown to the marble one.

> Taimö gave her the sunflower. He didn't think Ria would keep it, but she did. As a sign of her affection towards him



> Warm, caring and cheerful

> The mom friend

> Puts others first

> Takes care of the forest in which she lives, as well as the dragons from her guild

> Loves freedom


> About 3m in height

> A scar on the back of the left hind leg and the right palm

> Beauty among dragons

> Sadly, I have no idea, what her voice sounds like







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